
Check out our recent mini-review led by Gaida Vanacore. Click on the figure for the full text.

Read our insights about age-dependent regeneration in the brain.


Over the last year, our lab has expanded, but I have been behind in welcoming new members. In 2024, Elena, James and Mohab joined the team, and by summer, we said goodbye to Amanda and Ryan. Here’s a nice photo from Amanda’s farewell.

Update after a long time…


We have two new lab members. Cecilia Parra Garcia joins us as a MPhil student and Anushka Irodi as Part II student.

Welcome to the lab and the Gurdon Institute Cecilia and Anushka!


Check out our recent review article with Alex Joyner on cerebellum development.

Our review is out on Development!


Jens Bager Christensen starts as a PhD Student.

Welcome to the Bayin lab and the Gurdon Institute Jens!


Giada Vanacore starts as a Research Assistant today.

Welcome to the Bayin lab and the Gurdon Institute Giada!

Our latest paper is published in Science Advances.

Injury-induced ASCL1 expression orchestrates a transitory cell state required for repair of the neonatal cerebellum